/ / Year in Review: Reader Favorites in 2018

Year in Review: Reader Favorites in 2018

It’s time for the annual year in review! Take a look at the reader favorites and get to know more about Heart and Soul Homeschooling.

The year 2018 brought big changes to the blog. I started Embracing Destiny in 2008 as a place to share about our homeschooling journey and life in general. In early 2014, I became the owner of The Homeschool Post after being a contributing writer for over a year. This year I decided to merge the two together into Heart and Soul Homeschooling.

Year in Review 2018: Reader Favorites at Heart and Soul Homeschooling

Year in Review 2018

It’s been an interesting process. If you’re a fellow blogger, you know the huge hurdles in rebranding an existing blog. The domain changes, the re-directs, the analytics, the traffic changes, and on and on. If you’re a blog reader, I’m sure the behind-the-scenes details aren’t nearly so interesting as just seeing the blog “remodel” in general. I hope that the changes have made it a pleasant and helpful reading experience for you!

I’m a very goal-driven person. As soon as I achieve one goal, I want to move right into the next. I have so many ideas going on at once that sometimes it’s hard to finish a project because I’m so anxious to begin the next! I want 2019 to be the year to FINISH some of my big goals and projects.

As usual, this year saw some goals met and some missed. Last year at this time I joined an accountability group with other homeschool mom bloggers to read through and implement The 12 Week Year. I highly recommend it for planning and goal setting of any kind!

Year in Review: Goals Achieved in 2018

There were some obstacles I didn’t expect this year, such as moving across several states and dealing with some serious flare-ups of my autoimmune diseases, that slowed me down. These things affected me physically and emotionally in ways I couldn’t have predicted when I set my goals last year.

It’s times like these that we need grace most of all, right?

If you’re anything like me, you tend to dwell on what you didn’t accomplish rather than what you did. Let’s stop doing that in 2019, okay? Let’s accentuate the positive and give ourselves a little credit.

Year in Review: Reader Favorites in 2018

According to stats, these are the top ten most popular posts with readers in 2018:

Did these resonate with you? Did you meet your goals in 2018? What are your plans for 2019? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know!

It’s my hope that I can provide encouragement and support for other homeschool families on this journey of heart and soul homeschooling!






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