10 Tips for Organizing Digital Homeschool Curriculum
Love digital homeschool curriculum but not sure how to keep it all organized? These 10 tips will help you with organizing digital homeschool curriculum so you can relax and enjoy homeschooling!

How to Organize Digital Homeschool Curriculum
We’re living in a digital age so it only makes sense that homeschooling resources are available digitally as well. Whether it’s a site like Mr. D Math or College Prep Science or downloadable digital curriculum, it can help simplify things in your homeschool. Just like anything else in life, if it’s not kept up with it can quickly become disorganized. {If you’re still wondering about the benefits of digital homeschool curriculum, you’ll want to read this post.} I would encourage you to check out these tips for organizing digital homeschool curriculum.
#1. Keep your passwords in one spot
The issue with having digital homeschool curriculum is that it will oftentimes require passwords. You probably don’t want to have the same password for each log in. To take care of this issue, keep your passwords in one spot. Be smart about where you store your passwords, but also keep them close enough that you can retrieve them if necessary.
#2. Pick out a good organizational system
It’s going to be hard to stay organized with your homeschool curriculum if you cannot find an organizational system you like. My advice would be to use something like Dropbox to store PDFs, printables, and Word Documents. It’s nice to have a “go to spot” for all of your digital homeschooling curriculum. The cool thing about Dropbox is that you can even make folders within folders. It’s quite easy to stay organized. {You can read more about getting your homeschool organized in this post.}
#3. Start utilizing those bookmarks
In case you aren’t familiar with it, there is this really cool thing at the top of your Internet screen and it looks like a star. You can click it to bookmark the important Internet pages you visit often. Instead of typing the curriculum destination into your browser each time, bookmark it so it’s easier to find later down the road. You can even create a secret Pinterest board to store site pages you need on a regular basis.
#4. Backup your files
I’ve noticed that storing a bunch of important homeschooling curriculum on my desktop probably isn’t the best idea. If I do store anything on my desktop, I always back up my files. I have an external hard drive that helps me store anything I need. This is a nice way to deal with storing digital files, especially if you have a lot of them.
#5. Keep a running list
Another great way to organize those digital homeschooling files is to keep a running list. If you’re like any other homeschooling family, you may just collect as you go and the list will get overwhelming. You can use an Excel sheet or Google Docs to create a spreadsheet of all your digital homeschooling curriculum. Keep a list of the title, location, and any other important information you’ll need to find your curriculum quickly. Remember when it comes to being organized, it’s really all about how quickly you can find things as well. You can be as organized as you want, but if you can’t find it, what’s the point?
#6. Utilize the search system on your computer
Let’s say you get your digital homeschooling curriculum organized, but lose something. You can use the search system on your computer to find any Word Document or PDF file that you need.
#7. Get organized immediately
From the time you buy a new curriculum; you need to get it organized immediately. Don’t delay in putting the digital curriculum where it goes because later it may be harder to locate and organize it. Ask me how I know! Getting it done NOW is always a great solution to disorganization. A hint to keep things from getting disorganized is to name the file exactly what it is!
Getting organized with your digital homeschooling curriculum may seem impossible, but with these tips you can do it. Some of the best advice is to pay attention to what you’re buying, get a good filing system in place, and start organizing things immediately. Remember that before you delete any of your files, contemplate whether or not you plan on using them later for younger siblings.
How do you keep track of your digital homeschool curriculum?
Get a great deal on digital homeschool curriculum here: The Homeschool Resource Co.
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