How to Choose the Best Math Curriculum for your Homeschool {with free printable}
Choosing the best math curriculum for your children can be intimidating and a bit confusing. We want so much for our children to have a solid foundation in math. For many who do not consider math their strong point, choosing how to build that solid foundation can make you anxious. Thankfully, if we take a step back and take a deep breath, we can choose a math curriculum that works for our families.
Don’t miss the homeschool giveaway at the end of this post!

However, it is very important to note that if you are not happy with your choice it does not mean you or your child failed. Remember what Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” It won’t take you 10,000 tries, I promise, but any time you find something that doesn’t work it is not failure, it is a step closer to success.
Let’s explore five steps to help guide you into making this decision.
5 Steps to Choosing a Math Curriculum
- Does it match up with how your child learns?
- Is it mastery or spiral?
- How much teacher prep does it require?
- Does it need supplementation?
- How much does it cost?

Does it match up with how your child learns?
Learning style is a major factor in choosing a math curriculum. Some programs are for visual learners and some for auditory learners. Some children need a hands-on approach which uses manipulatives and blocks while some thrive on flashcards and worksheets. Your child’s learning style trumps any recommendation or trendy program you may encounter. Use your instincts on what you feel will work…you may surprise yourself on how often you are right.
Is it mastery or spiral?
Mastery approach: A math program which focuses on a particular topic for a period of time before moving on to a new topic.
Spiral approach: A math program which has review built into the course and will teach multiple skills at once before any one skill is completely mastered.
You may be asking yourself which is better at this point. The answer isn’t as simple as which is better, but which is better for your child. Yes, math is a very personal thing and even the approach used needs to line up with your child.
However, it is important to know which approach a math program uses. Some children get bored quickly using mastery while others find it a blessing. Some children find a spiral approach moves too fast or they get confused while others thrive on it.
Read more: Building Math Confidence with Mr. D Math
How much teacher prep does it require?
This is very important to the success of any curriculum. Are you willing or able to prep 45 minutes for each math lesson? Are you comfortable enough to become your child’s math teacher and present all the material? Now, even if you are comfortable enough and are willing, do you have the time? How many kids will you be teaching on different levels? It can be difficult to fit in full math lessons for multiple kids on multiple different levels. Pay attention to how much prep is required of you.
Read more: Self-Directed Homeschool Math with Teaching Textbooks 4.0
Does it need supplementation?
Some math programs will require supplementation. You need to decide if you are able to provide the supplementation or if that is the route you want to go. Supplementation is not always buying another curriculum but it can involve buying extra workbooks or printing off practice pages from the internet.
Read more: CTCMath Review: Why It Works in our Homeschool
How much does it cost?
Like the teacher prep question, this is another reality check. You may want the newest or so-called best on the market but can you afford it? Is it worth the money? Your child will not fail in math because you stayed within your budget.
Read more: How to Include Math Practice in Real Life
Math Curriculum Comparison Printable
Download this free printable math curriculum comparison worksheet (pdf) to help you choose a math curriculum! Just enter your email in the form below and you’ll have access to it, along with all the other freebies in the subscriber-only library!
Have you found your “ideal” math curriculum yet?
More math related posts you might enjoy:
Using Geoboards for Hands-on Math
Addition File Folder Game for Elementary Math Fun (Free Printable)
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7 Ideas for Summer Math Practice
7 Ways to Unschool Math Genius

Upper Grades Homeschool Giveaway
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Autumn & Winter Poetry Copywork from In All You Do – These Seasonal Poetry Copywork packs are perfect for Middle and High Schoolers. The Autumn pack includes 18 different poems with plain lines for copywork. And the Winter pack includes 18 different poems with both manuscript lines and plain lines for copywork. |
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Teach Your Children How to Think with Mentoring from How to Homeschool My Child – Can your kids think for themselves? Can they use their thinking skills to influence the world? How well can they discuss what they are learning? How well can your kids make wise, Biblical decisions? How well can your kids solve problems… not just Math problems but real life problems? Are your kids inspired to learn more? If you need help in any of these areas, Teach Your Children How to Think is for you! |
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James Inductive Bible Study Course from Homeschool with Moxie – Would you like to use the Bible as your Bible “textbook” instead of having your kids complete worksheets about the Bible? The James Inductive Bible Study Course will teach your teens how to dive into the actual text of Scripture and learn what it says. The James Self Study Workbook and Video Lessons are open and go and will take your teens through a verse-by-verse deep dive into the book of James. |
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Guitar Time with Ben online course from Music in Our Homeschool – Guitar Time with Ben is a self-paced online beginning guitar course for ages 10 and up. Your teacher Ben has been playing the guitar since he was 9. Join him through 10 pre-recorded lessons as he teaches you the basics about the guitar, and you’ll end the course playing a few songs! |
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DIY Printable High School Planner from With the Huddlestons – This DIY Printable High School Planner was made with high school homeschoolers in mind. It features 23 grayscale pages (helps you save printer ink) that your high schooler can use to put together their very own planner. There are several templates that will help them learn how to plan their months, weeks, days, and keep track of other important things in life. |
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