Understanding God’s Calling
Purposeful living is a recurring topic here at Embracing Destiny. It’s really my driving theme in life overall — discovering and applying our knowledge of God’s individual purpose for each of us. It’s something I strive to encourage in my daughters every day in large and small ways. It’s also part of my life verse:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28
I believe that longing for purpose and search for meaning is built into all of us by design so that we would seek God. Finding that is key to fulfillment in life. It’s what embracing destiny is all about.
Disclosure: I received this curriculum at no cost to write this post and I was compensated for my time. All opinions are honest and I was not required to post a positive review.
My oldest daughter is 14 now and I can’t believe how fast the years have flown. I realize that I don’t have much time left before she’s ready to test her wings. She’s already planning her own online business, writing books, and thinking about the future in the long term. It’s my job to encourage her interests and give her the tools she needs, which includes a Biblical worldview and a desire to follow God’s calling for her life.
To this end, I was so glad to find Understanding God’s Calling, a homeschool high school curriculum from Institute of Faith, Work, & Econcomics. It’s ideal for helping to build a foundation of faith and confidence in the work that God is calling my daughters to do in their lives, whatever it may be.
Why Understanding God’s Calling Matters
So many people drift through life without a sense of purpose. This can make all the difference in how we survive — and thrive — through life’s challenges.
People tend to think that a calling refers only to a career in the ministry or as a missionary. Understanding God’s Calling helps teens to think through any vocation as a calling from God because they are serving Him with their life — through family, work, and community.
Our Favorite Features of Understanding God’s Calling Curriculum
It’s not a dry textbook approach. The spine of the curriculum is a workbook, but the reading material is taken from living books on the subject from contemporary Christians. The books include:
- The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life by Os Guinness
- Cure for the Common Life: Living in Your Sweet Spot by Max Lucado
- God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Veith
- How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work by Hugh Whelchel
The Bible is cited in every lesson, making it the true basis for all the inspiration and knowledge.
The curriculum highlights the idea that we are in relationship with our Creator, just as much as we are in relationship with our families and friends. Our God is personal and He cares for us. That is so empowering and encouraging, no matter what career you might choose.
The workbook is straightforward and easy to follow, yet allows for deeper thinking and further study. There are activities that can be done in a group or with family that can generate some great conversations. My daughter and I have been enjoying the chance to discuss these topics.
There are activities and quizzes to help you determine your gifts. This can be really helpful in giving teens some direction if they’re unsure about their future choices.
I wish I’d had this curriculum when I was a teen. It took me a long time and a lot of struggle to learn some of these concepts. I’m so thankful that this resource exists for my daughters so they will have a head start on finding their purpose and embracing their destiny. Whether they become stay-at-home moms or world famous writers or scientists or janitors (or all of those!), I want them to have the confidence in God’s calling for their lives they need to be truly fulfilled.
Learn More about Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics
You can download two free lessons from Understanding God’s Calling so you can take a look before buying. If you purchase through that link, you’ll receive 30% off your order at any time. For those who purchase before June 15, 2016 and use the code HSBLOG50 at the checkout, you’ll get a full 50% off your order!
Institute of Faith, Work, & Economics also offers a homeschool high school Biblical Economics course to teach teens how to make economic decisions in a God-honoring way.
You can follow Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics here:
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