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STRONGER – Finding Strength on the Extra Weary Days

Guest post by Emily of Table Life Blog.

Our daughter is three years-old and our youngest of two children. She’s a joy to be around and she lights up any room she’s in with her baby doll-holding, little mama personality. She’s full of spunk, determination, and independence. Sometimes that determination and independence gets her into trouble.

Stronger: Finding Strength on the Extra Weary Days

She reminds us frequently that she’s a big girl now and doesn’t need anything made for babies. A couple of weeks ago, we took an unplanned trip to the local shopping mall for the first time all year and almost panicked because we forgot to bring her stroller. We considered renting one from the welcome station, but she assured us that she would be fine. She was happy to walk the mall with us.

For the first hour, she was fine. By the time the second hour arrived, she was wearing down and she was completely done in by the end of lunch. She did great for a while there, but it was all just too much for her. Can you relate? Sometimes it’s all just too much! She looked up at her daddy with those big blue eyes and said, “Can you carry me? I’m too tired to do it on my own.” He picked her up and carried her the rest of the way on his shoulders.

Friend, that’s life sometimes. It’s too much and we just can’t do it alone.

All of this pouring into our children and serving our families takes time, energy, and giving of ourselves. Sometimes we have more to give than other times. When we give and give even when we really don’t have it to give, it doesn’t take long to wear us down.

Those worn out days get tough when you add lesson planning, teaching, returning the library books on time, cleaning the paintbrushes, and putting away the crayons. Throw in the laundry that piled up, the dishes in the sink, and the grocery list that needs to be made and you’ve got yourself a downright weary day. It happens to all of us.

Sometimes there’s more swirling around, though. Sometimes there’s sickness, financial pressures, overbooked schedules, job restructuring, or family problems too personal to share with friends. Downright weary can go to extra weary in the blink of an eye. I’ve been there, friend.

On the extra weary days, know that you don’t have to do it alone. You may start off thinking you’ve got it under control, but eventually realize that it’s all too much. The demands of your everyday life can be somewhat manageable, but the slightest variable is often enough to bring even the strongest woman to her knees. Your strength will only take you so far. Friend, it’s just not enough to carry you through on the extra weary days.

Stronger: Finding Strength on the Extra Weary Days

The only real strength you have is found in God. When it’s too much to bear, don’t bear it. When it’s too far to walk, don’t walk it. When you’re worn down, drained, and exhausted in every way, look up and ask for help. Your Abba Father will carry you. That goes for the good days, not-so good days, and everything in between, too.

There’s no shortage of scriptures to remind us of the strength we have in our Father God. On the extra weary days (and all the others) the best place to start is His Word:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. – Psalm 121:1-2

We start by looking up and remembering where our help comes from. Our Creator, who made heaven and earth and holds it all together, is also our source of help.

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders. – Deuteronomy 33:12

Friend, you and I are that beloved and we can rest securely in Him. On the extra weary days, let that truth wash over you. Breathe in the peace that comes from it. It’s okay, just rest between His shoulders.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and will not be faint. – Isaiah 40:28-31

Stronger: Finding Strength on the Extra Weary Days

Young and old alike are prone to weariness and stumbling, but that’s not the end of the story. When the load is more than you can handle and you’re not feeling strong enough, look up, rest in Him, and be strong in the grace you have in Christ. It’s yours for the taking.

(Need some extra encouragement for the extra weary days? My STRONGER playlist on Spotify is full of songs to keep you uplifted and focused on the strength we have in God.)

A big thanks to Emily, fellow homeschool mom and blogger. Go check out her blog for even more encouragement!

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