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Morning Baskets with Teens

Answers in Genesis

There are so many advantages to homeschooling — customized learning, quality time together as a family, setting your own schedule, and so many more. It’s hard to choose only one favorite part!

One of my most treasured times is our morning basket routine. Spending time together with our morning basket full of great books and learning enrichment is something my daughters and I look forward to each day.

We’re pretty relaxed in our daily ebb and flow, but morning time is something we consistently do. The important thing is coming together each day to share those moments, great books, creativity, and great discussions together.

Morning baskets are often associated with younger children, but they can be a fantastic addition to your homeschool routine for tweens and teens as well. This practice provides a gentle, enriching start to the day, promoting family bonding and a love for learning.

high school morning basket Master Books
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Benefits of Morning Baskets for Older Students

  1. Holistic Learning: Incorporating a variety of subjects such as literature, art, Bible study, and current events encourages well-rounded education.
  2. Family Connection: Starting the day with a shared activity strengthens family relationships and fosters meaningful discussions.
  3. Engagement and Interest: Curating content that interests older students keeps them engaged and motivated to learn.

Just in time for us to put it to use in our high school homeschooling years, I discovered the High School Morning Basket from Master Books. It is carefully curated to include just what we need for our morning time right now, making it easy to implement with their suggested schedule, too.

Master Books high school morning basket

We’ve used Master Books resources many times over our homeschooling years, but I didn’t realize they had these morning basket bundles. How did I miss that? These are great for those who love living books and great discussions to start the day! Look at these choices:

  • Faith Growers Morning Basket
  • Heart for God Morning Basket
  • Ken Ham Morning Basket
  • Elementary Morning Basket
  • High School Morning Basket (the one we’re using right now)
  • Family Morning Basket
  • Wonders Morning Basket

High School Morning Basket from Master Books

The High School Morning Basket by Master Books is an exceptional tool for homeschooling families looking to enrich their high schoolers’ daily routine with spiritual and educational activities. This collection aims to foster a time of truth, goodness, and beauty each morning, setting a positive tone for the day.

We’ve been using Foundations in Worship from Master Books as part of our morning time, so having this morning basket bundle complements it perfectly!

What’s Included

The High School Morning Basket includes six thoughtfully selected books:

  • If Animals Could Talk by Dr. Werner Gitt
  • Answers Book for Teens Vol. 1 by Bodie Hodge, Tommy Michell & Ken Ham
  • Bible Brainstorms by Roger Howerton
  • Evidence for the Bible by Clive Anderson & Brian Edwards
  • So Noted! by Dr. Henry Morris
  • Great for God by David Shibley

So far, my daughters’ favorites are If Animals Could Talk, Evidence for the Bible, and Bible Brainstorms. These are the ones we’ve really been digging into. In fact, they each want to spend individual reading time with these books outside of our morning basket time!

Bible Brainstorms is a consumable activity book, so I recommend getting a copy for each of your students. It has activities like crossword puzzles, trivia, and quizzes that are all Bible-based to help memorize and apply Scripture. My daughters love any kind of word games so this is a good way to start the day for them.

One of my daughters is really into archaeology right now, especially Biblical archaeology, so Evidence for the Bible is right up her alley. She has been studying the origins of languages and writing, which is covered in this book. She often reads this book aloud to us as she makes delight-directed discoveries as she learns.

Our Favorite Features of the High School Morning Basket

  • Bible Instruction and Devotions: The basket provides a structured approach to Bible study and devotions, helping teens deepen their understanding and relationship with God.
  • Engaging Content: With a variety of books, students can explore different aspects of faith, apologetics, and history, ensuring they stay engaged and interested.
  • Flexible Schedule: The included reading schedule allows for flexibility, accommodating different learning paces and preferences.
Master Books High School morning basket pdf schedule

Practical Tips

  • Flexibility: Tailor the morning basket to your family’s interests and schedule. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy activity; even 20-30 minutes can be beneficial.
  • Student Involvement: Let your tweens and teens help select the materials. This gives them a sense of ownership and increases their engagement.
  • Routine: Consistency is key. Establishing a routine helps integrate the morning basket seamlessly into your day.
Master Books morning baskets

Morning baskets are a versatile tool that can enrich your homeschool routine for tweens and teens, fostering a love for learning and deeper family connections. By thoughtfully curating content that appeals to older students, you can create a meaningful and enjoyable start to your homeschool day. The High School Morning Basket by Master Books is a valuable addition to any homeschool curriculum.

For more information and to purchase, visit Master Books.

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