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Homeschool Myths: Busted!

Buckle up, we’re going to bust some homeschool myths today!

You don’t have to be a seasoned homeschooling veteran to be familiar with all the homeschool myths out there. Whether you’re hearing it from a “concerned” family member or a nosy stranger, you’ll likely recognize some of these common misconceptions.

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10 Myths About Homeschooling

Myth #1: Homeschoolers Are Poorly Socialized

The fact is that the socialization of ANY child depends largely on the parents. Whether they spend time with their friends after school, attend community functions, participate in extracurricular activities, or join co-ops, homeschooled children have plenty of opportunities to socialize. Even if you’re homeschooling an only child, you can still find a way to get social activities into your days.

Myth #2: Homeschool is Expensive

The cost of education varies a great deal, depending on the preferences and resourcefulness of the parents. Some choose to invest in costly curricula and educational materials. Others prefer to save money by seeking out resources that are either free or budget-friendly. It is possible to homeschool for free!

Myth #3: You Need a Teaching License to Homeschool

Although it can be beneficial to have teaching experience, it is not necessary. You simply need to be passionate and resourceful. Besides, you can always hire a tutor to help you cover the tough topics. There are plentiful opportunities for learning online or in-person.

Myth #4: Homeschoolers Can’t Pursue Extracurricular Activities

Because homeschoolers have a lower student-to-teacher ratio, they actually are able to get through their lessons in a fraction of the time as their public school counterparts. That means they have more free time to pursue their hobbies and passions. Depending on local regulations, they might even be able to participate in activities at local schools, such as band and sports, if they choose. Most communities have homeschool groups that schedule field trips and enrichment activities. You really don’t need to worry about the things homeschoolers miss!

Myth #5: Homeschoolers Don’t Go to College

This is far from true. Not only are homeschooled children able to attend college, they often have more well-rounded college applications because they are able to really dive deep into their educational interests, hobbies, and extracurricular activities. Some choose not to attend college in favor of entrepreneurial pursuits instead. Praxis is another viable alternative to college.

Myth #6: Homeschoolers Are Weird

This myth extends from the misconception regarding socialization. People believe that if kids are not socialized in a particular way, they will become eccentric. However, homeschooled children can have a wide array of personalities. Some are naturally introverts while others are social extroverts. Besides, who decides what is normal or weird?

Myth #7: Only Religious People or Paranoid People Homeschool

Although some people do choose to homeschool for religious or safety reasons, there are many other factors that affect their decisions. Some parents feel that their child would fare better having more one-on-one attention. Some want to be 100% hands-on when it comes to their child’s education. Some live in an area with a less than desirable public school system. There are many other reasons that people feel that this option is the best for their family.

Myth #8: Homeschooling is Unpopular

According to the 2012 U.S. Census, 1.5 million children receive a home education. That number has greatly increased and will continue to increase. Homeschooling is also becoming an increasingly popular option overseas.

Myth #9: Homeschooling is Illegal

Just as with many other things, the laws regarding homeschooling vary depending on where you live. In the U.S., each state has its own set of homeschool regulations, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with them.

Myth #10: Homeschoolers Don’t Do Anything

The daily life of a homeschooler depends fully on the parents. Some adhere to rigid curricula and strict schedules. Some play it by ear. Many fall somewhere in the middle. The ability to mold and guide your child’s educational experience is part of the beauty of homeschool. Besides, most people who choose to homeschool do so because they are passionate about their child’s education.

What other homeschool myths have you heard?

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One Comment

  1. A lot of people I meet assume that the public school/state provides curricula, tests and generally monitors what we’re learning far more than they do. They seem to think we learn exactly what public school students do, which in most cases would rather defeat the purpose.

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