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Becoming a Model Learner

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Becoming a model learner for our children is one of our greatest roles and responsibilities as homeschool moms. Let’s take a look at how we can do that! Kym shares some great ideas in this post.

One of the things I’ve loved about homeschooling is the chance to learn alongside my kids. I’ve learned plenty of new things, I’ve been reminded of things I learned long ago, and I’ve relearned things in new and better ways. That willingness to keep learning is something it seems most homeschool moms have in common.

Become a model learner! How to model lifelong learning for your kids | homeschooling lifelong learners | homeschool moms are students too!

Becoming a Model Learner

A good education includes teaching our kids how to learn. And anything we want to teach, we must first learn ourselves. Does that mean we have to become experts in all subject areas to at least the high school level before we can teach our kids? No, we don’t need to know all the facts and formulas and techniques. As moms, we need to learn how to learn, because that is what we’ll be modeling for our kids.

To teach is to learn twice over. ~Joseph Joubert

Lifelong learning

No matter how smart we are, or even how many degrees we hold, there’s always something new to learn and discover. When we are open and eager to learn, we model that attitude for our kids, and it makes learning more enjoyable. There are tons of things to learn as we go through life, and they won’t always be conveniently indexed in the current textbook. Homeschool moms quickly find out that there’s no comprehensive “how to homeschool” book that covers everything we’ll ever need to know. Develop strategies for finding answers to your questions and putting knowledge and skills to practical use, and invite your kids to learn how to do that with you. As a mom, set yourself goals for learning new things. I taught myself how to knit when I was almost forty years old. My sister-in-law is becoming a certified welder – learning the skill while in her fifties!

Learn with your kids

Many homeschool moms are worried about how they’ll teach algebra or chemistry or Latin when they never learned it well themselves. There are lots of options for helping your kids through subjects that aren’t your strong suit, of course, but don’t underestimate your ability to learn alongside your kids. You may find that you recall more than you expected once you get started. You may also find that you can relearn something quite easily. You may even find, as I did, that discovering new concepts along with your child is exciting and inspiring. In some subjects and when students are younger, staying one step ahead of them in the textbook is all you need. High school kids can learn independently, and they may catch on before you do, and show you how to work the algebra equation correctly or explain how something works. Let them teach you!

Learn creatively

When I came up with hands-on activities for science, took my kids to see historical sites, or figured out a clever little song to help my kids remember math facts, an amazing thing happened. Not only were they likely to remember things learned creatively, I learned too! We’ve taken a creative, problem-solving, out-of-box approach to everything from using textbooks to earning technology credits. Customizing an education for your child’s goals and interests is a creative learning experience that helps them achieve success in homeschooling and beyond.

Love of learning

Share your enthusiasm for your favorite subjects as you homeschool. Your love of literature, or history, or economics might be contagious! And when you learn something cool in a subject area that isn’t a favorite, share that delight with your student too. One of the amazing things I’ve learned is that science and math are glimpses into the incredible creativity and trustworthiness of God. That perspective has changed my whole view of these two subjects that I didn’t care for when I was in school. My positive attitude and excitement about learning demonstrated that love of learning to my kids, and I hope it encouraged and inspired them just a little.

He who dares to teach must never cease to learn. ~Richard Henry Dann

What are you learning along with your kids? Leave a comment and let us know!



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