/ / A Few of My Favorite Homeschool Things

A Few of My Favorite Homeschool Things


Asking a homeschooler to choose just one favorite resource is a little like asking a mom to choose her favorite child.  Or a gambler to make just one bet.  Okay, maybe it’s not that dramatic.  It might be more like eating just one peanut or potato chip.  How to choose and stop at one?  I’ve been thinking about it all week in the back of my mind, but all I can do is gasp in horror at the mere thought of narrowing my bookshelf to just one book!  *faint*
Favorite #Homeschool Resources for the elementary years

A Few of My Favorite Homeschool Things

Now that I’ve regained my composure somewhat and realized that it’s a hypothetical choice since no one will really be confiscating my books (Lord willing!), I’m pretty confident about my answer.  Bible notwithstanding since that goes without saying, my favorite homeschool resource is . . .

Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson.  It’s one I return to again and again for inspiration and encouragement.  It’s the book that reminds me why I’m homeschooling in the first place.  If I could put everything I love about homeschooling into one book, this would be it.  Everything I believe — that homeschooling is a way of life, that we do it for the glory of God first and foremost, that the whole family participates, that quality literature is an essential foundation of all subjects, that character building is as important as knowledge building — it’s all in there.  It was the first “homeschooling” book I read when Big Sis was 4 years old and I still recommend it to everyone.

As far as actual textbooks or curricula, the list is varied.  Here are my top picks by subject:

We have really enjoyed the Apologia elementary science series by Jeannie Fulbright.  The notebooks can be purchased separately and are really worthwhile, too!  This science resource takes a Charlotte Mason approach, which we like.




Our choice for math is Math Mammoth.  Simple to use, inexpensive, clear mastery-building concepts.

We also really like Life of Fred, which is helping us through Pre-Algebra right now.



For language arts, we’ve used a literature study approach.  At different times we’ve used Five in a Row (FIAR) and just studied quality writing to learn the parts of speech, spelling, and punctuation.  Big Sis has always taken her own initiative for creative writing so that has never been an issue for us, thankfully.

History is another subject we have studied with living books.  Reading biographies, historical fiction, and watching documentaries has given Big Sis a well-rounded view of history.  Field trips to historic sites are a great way to supplement, too!  We plan to start getting more specific this coming year by adding in a timeline and using Heart of Dakota curriculum as our guide.

The Prairie PrimerAnother resource that we really enjoyed is The Prairie Primer.  If you like the Little House on the Prairie books, I highly recommend this unit study curriculum!

One of our favorite ways to study any book, topic, or basic concept is through lapbooking.  We have used lapbooks from In the Hands of a Child, A Journey Through Learning, Homeschool Share, and Amanda Bennett.  You can find lots of those resources at Currclick.

What is your favorite resource?  Can you narrow it down to just one?

 Favorite Resources for Homeschool Moms from the Homeschool Blogging Network

Read more from all the bloggers in the Homeschool Blogging Network:

Free Online Math Games – Living Life and Learning

10 Free Online Homeschool Resources – Simple At Home

Resources for Homeschooling With Google Play Book – Maria Magdalena Living Ideas

Kid-Friendly Resources for Learning to Code – Schooling a Monkey

Online Reading Tutoring Resources– Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading

11 Awesome Homeschool Sites That Are Free – Embark on the Journey

Home Occupational Therapy Program -Our Crazy Adventures In Autismland

Resources We Recommend for Middle and High School -Classes By Beth

My Favorite Resources for Unit Studies – Chestnut Grove Academy

100 Free Homeschool Resources – Stephanie Rose Knows

Websites That Encourage Creativity in Kids – Amy’s Wandering

My Favorite Online  Homeschool Resources- A Sip of Southern Sunshine

8 Fun and Educational Websites for Preschoolers – Homeschool Preschool

Elections 2016 Homeschool Resources – Ben and Me



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  1. Stopping by from the TOS Crew … love your resource list. Some of our favorites too are listed – especially Exploring Creation with Astronomy!

  2. I love the Apologia elementary series. I saw Prairie Primer at a book store the other day. Is it aimed at girls? I really want to read the Little House series with my youngest ds, but want some related activities that aren’t too “girly.”

    1. No, it’s not strictly aimed at girls. There are many who use it with their sons and love it! You should check out the Prairie Primer Facebook group for lots of great ideas. It really focuses on pioneer days, not girly things. Hope that helps! =0)

  3. I’m not sure I could ever narrow it down to a single resource. I probably couldn’t ever narrow it down to a single (long) list. 🙂

    I will say that I was really blessed and challenged by Educating the Whole Hearted Child. I need to pull my copy out again. It’s time for a pick-me-up and to start down clearer path for our school.

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