My ~One Word~ for 2014
I know I say it every year, but I can hardly believe how quickly the past 12 months have flown by. It seems especially true this year. 2013 has been a rough one for us in more ways than one and I can’t say I’m sad to see it go. I have high hopes for 2014, though. Sometimes when you come to the end of your own resources, you are forced to realize that you were never meant to do things in your own strength anyway. Why do I always seem to forget to call on Jesus first, rather than as a desperate last resort? I have good intentions to spend quiet time with Him everyday, but it seems like my prayers are something I hastily utter as I move through the “have-to’s” of each day. I have to get this done, I have to get that done, I have to go here, I have to do this, and so on.
This will make the third year that I’ve chosen a word to claim as my focal point for the year. I have prayed about it. I have pondered it. I have asked myself about the point of it at all. I have a draft folder full of unfinished blog posts about my word for last year and the year before. I just never had the time to properly formulate my thoughts. My word last year, peace, certainly didn’t seem to have much bearing on the year I experienced. Peace seemed to be elusive at every turn, though that is more my own shortcoming than any flaw with the concept itself. So what could I focus on this year that would align with God’s will and my own internal chaos?
The answer came in the question itself: PURPOSE.
Why am I dealing with so many health problems?
Why did we have to move from a place that we loved?
Why am I blogging?
What direction are we taking with our homeschool studies?
Why can’t we ever break even, let alone get ahead?
What does God want me to do with all of this?
Those are just a few of my questions. There are so many that range from the mundane (how can I get all the housework done?) to the life-changing (how can I lead my children to Christ?).
Some things just don’t make sense. I can’t see a clear answer. Some things are born out of frustration, being overtired, stressed, and generally overwhelmed. Some questions are born out of a genuine desire to follow God’s will — that whole embracing destiny theme.
When I have a moment of clarity, I know that it all has a purpose. Our Heavenly Father wastes nothing. There is a reason I am here. There is a reason I am in this situation. There is a plan and a purpose for it all.
Purpose. In the grand scheme of things, my purpose is to glorify God. I’m to be a shining star for Christ. I pray that I am, that I will be. How can this purpose be accomplished? I must surrender my will and my plans in exchange for His greater purpose.
My goal for this year is to clear away the debris — both the mental clutter and the actual clutter. I want to focus on my God-given purpose for motherhood, marriage, home, homeschooling, and even blogging. There will be some changes around here.
I don’t like the idea of resolutions because those don’t last. Choosing a word will help me to purposely focus on the race set before me. I don’t just want to run it aimlessly. I want to finish strong. With purpose.
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I pray that you find your purpose this year. I was in that place a few years ago and it took more than one year to find it. Right now I’m on an even plain and feel like it could go up or down. Only time will tell. Finding your purpose will help find the light to your path. Good luck.
Oh yes, PURPOSE. That seems like a definite guide word in the storms or even dailiness of life.