What Does the Bible Say About Creation? 6 Things Kids Need to Know
What does the Bible say about Creation? More than you may think! Here are 6 things your kids need to know.

What do your eight- to twelve-year-olds think of when you mention Creation?
- Do they mention the days of Creation story from Genesis chapters 1 and 2?
- Perhaps they think about walking outside in God’s wonderous creation?
- Maybe they think about creationism, the assertion that God created the earth and every creature in it, as the Bible tells us?

What Does the Bible Say About Creation?
We want to help our middle grade students go deeper into God’s amazing Word. That means, we want to help them make connections and learn how to study the Bible rightly. We want them to think theologically. The good news is, they can learn about the Bible in ways that are fun, and that appeal to their innate sense of adventure and curiosity! When our kids learn about God’s Creation from the Bible, they learn:- That God created everything in the beginning.
- God has a plan for us.
- Only God could create the world and everything in it.
- Only God existed before his Creation event.
- The story of the six days of Creation.
- God made everything in a logical way that supported life. Have you ever considered what would have happened if God had created plants three days after the beasts of the earth?
- That God made our kids intentionally.
- He gave each person life and formed them wonderfully.
- Children learn that God created them for his glory. Each of us has a purpose.
- More about who our Creator God is.
- God is eternal, all-powerful, uncreated.
- Our God is also three Persons in one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit each participated in Creation.
- At Creation, God gave all people good Creation gifts. We often call those Creation mandates or Creation ordinances.
- Every good gift is from God. In fact, he is the source of all good things.
- God blessed us and instructed us to have families, and to care for the creatures of the earth. We are given plants and fruit as food (Genesis 1:28-29).
- Gave us a day of rest to worship him.
- Gave us the wonderful gift of labor. Work is a gift!
- Gave us marriage between a man and a woman. That marriage is the foundation of family and society.
- God’s had a great plan for salvation, right at the beginning of the Bible.
- To disobey God is sin.
- Adam and Eve sinned–and every human since has also sinned.
- Jesus paid for our sin.
- To be saved from our sin, we must believe in Jesus, confess our belief, and repent of our sin.
Danika Cooley’s Bible Investigators: Creation is the perfect puzzle-based Bible study for your 8-12-year-olds. Your children will learn how to become effective Bible investigators using the inductive method, learn more about who God is and what the gospel means, and understand the doctrine of Creation! Danika is an award-winning children’s author and Bible curriculum developer. Her popular Bible Road Trip™ is used by tens of thousands of families. Learn more about Bible Investigators: Creation and grab your free sample pack here.
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