/ / 7 Tips for Starting Your Own Business in the New Year

7 Tips for Starting Your Own Business in the New Year

Have you toyed with the idea of starting your own business? There is no better time than the new year to turn that dream into a reality. More and more people are leaving the traditional work place and starting their own home business, finding success in the process. If you want this to be the year you make your business dreams happen, take a look below at 7 tips for starting your own business in the new year! You are sure to find some helpful tips to get you up and running.

If you want this to be the year you make your business dreams happen, take a look below at 7 tips for starting your own business in the new year! You are sure to find some helpful tips to get you up and running. 5 Day Work at Home Mom series at heartandsoulhomeschooling.com

Beginner Tips to Start Your Own Business

I’ve seen a lot of advice out there since starting my blog in 2008. Some of it is really helpful, some not so much. From the tools you use (did you know you can use Twicsy’s guide to buying real Instagram followers to help you grow your social media following?) to the business plan you follow, here are the beginner steps I recommend for getting started.

1. Do your research.

Before you dive in, do your research on the business you wish to begin. Identify the need for it, see where the need is, and see what competition you may have. By identifying these three facts, you can best start developing your business plan as discussed in step two.

2. Develop your business plan.

A business plan doesn’t need to be complex. It is in essence a plan for how you wish to proceed with your idea. You can include a business name, logo, mission statement, and the steps you will be taking to launch. A website will need to be designed and a domain name secured too, but the latter is a particularly easy process to navigate and can be paid for via a platform like AliPay. You can also note any start up funds you have so you can best set your budget as discussed in step 3.

3. Set your budget.

Most businesses will need money to get off the ground. Be realistic about what your budget is, and then start creating a plan for that budget. Will you need to build a website? Pay a graphic designer? Pay a website host? Take any online training classes or educational seminars? Start budgeting your start up money so you can be the basics get covered.

4. Advertise your launch.

Once your plan and funds are in place, you will want to advertise the launch of your business. Tell friends and family and invite them to spread the word. Create an email newsletter to mail out, and set up an email newsletter sign up on your webpage. Create fliers if you wish, and find other ways to spread the word that you are ready for business.

5. Establish a social media voice.

A business can’t exist these days without existing on social media. Create business pages for yourself on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and of course Facebook. Utilize these pages to create a conversation with your followers and draw more attention to your business.

6. Network.

You can’t establish a business on your own. You will want resources and a network you can turn to for support. Find others that are in the same business and see if you can’t establish a mentor to help guide you. Join online forums of entrepreneurs and be active in question asking and discussions. You will be amazed at how much you can learn.

7. Remember it is a marathon, not a sprint.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your business won’t be either. Take the time to establish your customer base, build a reputation, and brand yourself via your social media, website, and business logo. Allow time for the business to snowball and pick up speed as opposed to finding quick and instant success.

Starting your own business in the new year is well within your reach. Give these tips your consideration and see if they aren’t helpful in developing a successful business for yourself.

Have you ever considered starting a home business?

Read the rest of the series here:

Life as a Work at Home Mom: 5 days of tips for WAHMs. Encouragement & ideas to balance work, home, and motherhood. heartandsoulhomeschooling.com
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  1. I love your tips. I think the one I need to remember is number 7. It is so easy to get discouraged if you are not seeing immediate results. That is one of the reasons to know your “why”. When discouragement comes I love remembering the reason I am doing this.

    1. Thanks, glad it was helpful. I agree completely — remembering the “why” is essential to fighting discouragement and finding the reason to keep trying. 🙂

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