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Plan a Simple Summer Unit Study

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A summer unit study can be a great way to keep the learning going, even if you’re not doing your usual homeschooling schedule. It can also give you a chance to add some delight to your days and break up the routine.

summer unit study

We all look for ways to make learning fun and hands-on, right? After all, you really learn and remember best when you can truly dive into a topic. I believe that the Download N Go series from Amanda Bennett helps busy homeschool moms add a little “punch” to their lesson planning.

Relaxed Summer Unit Study

Although we do some type of schooling year-round, the summer is a more relaxed time for us to follow our interests, rather than worrying about paperwork and what the state requires. Summer Sensations, a unit study from Amanda Bennett, is a great way to do some learning without having to design a lesson plan myself.

Everything is included with this unit study and lapbook, so we just gather our library books from the list and enjoy our reading time around the daily lesson laid out for each day of the five day study. From art to geography to science, the subjects are covered in an entertaining, hands-on way. This particular unit calls for nature walks, which will appeal to those who are Charlotte Mason inclined. There are also chances for narrative answers and discussions between teacher and student, which is something we especially enjoy.

Summer Sensations unit study includes:

  • Quest 1: What is Summer?
  • Quest 2: Science Secrets of Summer
  • Quest 3: People and Places of Summer
  • Quest 4: Time for Tips and Treasures of Summer
  • Quest 5: Goodies and Surprises of Summer

Roller Coasters Unit Study

If you want to dive deeper into even more fun delight-directed learning, try out the Roller Coasters unit study from Amanda Bennett.

Now that is a subject I wouldn’t have thought to use for a unit study and lapbook.  Take a minute to think about the science involved with roller coasters – everything from Isaac Newton’s gravity experiments to the physics of motion! There is a wealth of learning “disguised” in this super fun topic.

What else is included? Along with science, you’ll also find geography, history, and vocabulary/spelling, plus all the great suggested reading. We’ve been able to find the majority of books at our library to help keep spending down.

As always, the unit is divided into 5 days. The necessary books and embedded links are listed by day and topic. Personally, we usually extend the studies beyond five days because there is just so much to learn and read. That’s another great aspect of the Download N Go series – you can easily adapt them to whatever schedule or age group you need.

The Roller Coasters unit study includes:

Investigate what makes roller coasters roll and enjoy lots of motivating activities!

  • Quest 1: What Is a Roller Coaster?
  • Quest 2: The History of Roller Coasters
  • Quest 3: People and Places of Roller Coasters
  • Quest 4: Science Secrets of Roller Coasters/Rides
  • Quest 5: Goodies and Gadgets of Roller Coasters

Watch and follow roller coasters speeding around their tracks all over the globe. Discover their secret powers and learn about forces in motion. What better way to learn about gravity and Isaac Newton’s first law of motion? Take a spin on Mr. Ferris’ new invention, the Ferris wheel, while you are there!

Simple and Fun Summer Unit Study

Whether you school year-round or you’re just looking for a boredom buster to beat the heat this summer, I suggest you take a look at these easy to use unit studies from Amanda Bennett. They are great summer learning opportunities that don’t take a lot of prep work on the part of homeschool moms.

If you need something different to spark that creative learning flame, battle burnout, or something quick that is already planned out for you and easy on the budget, these Download N Go unit studies from Amanda Bennett are ideal!

More Summer Unit Studies to Consider




Read more about homeschooling with unit studies in this series:

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