Summer Homeschooling: Relax and Enjoy Delight-Directed Learning
Summer homeschooling can be a time to take a more relaxed approach and try out some of the delight-directed learning that you don’t always get to during the “regular” school year. Take advantage of that freedom and enjoy some interest-led learning with summer homeschooling this year!
Summer Homeschooling
Although our country seems to believe that education can only take place between September and June, we know that real learning goes on all the time.
At least it should, right?
So when people ask me if we take a summer break or school all-year, my answer is yes, both.
Yes, we take a break from the goal-planning, school-district-paperwork-driven schedule. Yes, we continue to learn all year round by easing into an interest-driven, fun look at whatever piques our curiosity at the moment.
That includes field trips, nature walks, arts and crafts, lots of reading with no pressure, fun discussions, audio books, creative writing, and lapbooking.
Make no mistake, these are things that my daughters specifically request! I make the resources available so they can use them or not, much like unschooling. If they ask about a specific topic, we make a trip to the library or sit down together online to find out more.
This is when I get really excited about the idea of unschooling, because, well, it’s so much fun! I love the discussions that we have because I can see my daughters really figuring things out, thinking for themselves, using their critical thinking skills, and applying these things to real life.
I think it’s one of the biggest thrills as a parent and an educator to see that the foundation you’re creating for your child is actually working! The rest of the year we are very relaxed and eclectic, as well, but there’s something about the freedom of summer homeschooling without deadlines or checklists that really lets the imagination take flight.
Most co-ops are out for the summer and other extracurricular activities tend to take a break also. Why not make use of the downtime to encourage interests and talents that they might not get to explore at other times?
Being a delight-directed homeschooling parent requires good listening skills. Pay attention to those questions your kids are asking.
For instance, my daughters have recently asked about/shown interest in these things:
(We spent over an hour on the Internet together to research this one! Then we followed it up with some delight-directed unit studies: Whales and Dolphins.)
“Palindromes are the symmetry of words.”
That’s when we step away from it all and just enjoy doing nothing . . . or something.
Hebrew for Homeschoolers
One great way to include delight-directed learning is by studying a different language. Do your children want to be Biblical scholars, history buffs, or linguists? Learning to speak Hebrew can encourage their interests in so many ways!
Ana, a homeschool mom of 3 and author of the blog They Call Me Blessed, is the founder of Hebrew for Homeschoolers! She has graciously offered to give away a course enrollment for Hebrew for Homeschoolers: Beginners Level 1.
I think it’s best explained in Ana’s own words:
I am passionate about Hebrew for some many reasons. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and that is about 70% of the whole Bible. Jesus and His disciples read the Holy Scriptures and prayed in Hebrew daily.
“Hebrew is the best language to learn of all… no one can really understand Scripture without it.” – Martin Luther
Hebrew is the language of Moses, King David, and so many heroes of our faith. Learning Hebrew brings you into a much deeper understanding of the Bible and strengthens your faith.
Can you imagine you and your kids learning to read, write and speak the very language of Jesus and our heroes of the Bible spoke? What if…
This could unlock an amazing and much deeper understanding of the word of God?
Learning Hebrew can open doors bigger than you could ever know in your life?
This can bring you a personal revival like never before?
Why am I qualified to teach Hebrew?
Of course, just being passionate about Hebrew is not enough to qualify me to teach your kids. So here is a bit of background information for you.
I come from a Jewish background and when I gave my life to Jesus 19 years ago, I knew I wanted to learn Hebrew, move to Israel, and share the Good News about the Messiah with my people. So I did just that!
I had the privilege of living in Jerusalem and walking where Jesus walked for 5 years of my life. Israel is where I graduated, got married, had my first two children, enter full-time ministry, and lived the best five years of my life!
I was blessed to study at the Hebrew University for two years and to graduate from Israel College of the Bible in Jerusalem with a Bachelors of Arts in Bible and Judaic Studies. For 12 years I have taught Hebrew and a course on Understanding Israel and The Jewish Culture to churches around the world.
Is Hebrew too hard to learn?
No, not at all!
It is much easier than you think.
In fact, one of the things that makes Hebrew so easy to learn is that the Hebrew letters always have the same sounds, unlike the English language that has many different sounds to many letters and it’s so confusing with so many exceptions.
“Hebrew is to a large extent a phonetic language with a relatively small vocabulary. Generally, it is based on a simple three-letter root system which provides a helpful memory aid in the formation of various verbs and nouns; nothing like the complexity of many modern European languages.”
– David Bivin, Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus.
Enter to Win an Enrollment on Hebrew for Homeschoolers!
Here is what Hebrew for Homeschoolers for Beginners will teach you:
– The Alef-Bet (Hebrew alphabet)
– Numbers
– Colors
– Shapes
– Greetings
– Basic vocabulary
– Biblical vocabulary
– Hebrew songs
In only 10 weeks you and your children will be able to read, write and speak Hebrew for beginners and have basic conversations. How fun will this be?
There are no other courses like Hebrew for Homeschoolers!
- Classes are self-paced and last about 60 minutes.
- This course is geared to the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest in the family.
- You will have lifetime access to the course.
- And join our Facebook community for extra learning.
Here is what parents are saying about Hebrew for Homeschoolers:
“Hebrew for Homeschoolers has been such a blessing to myself and my children! Out of all the “school” things we do, they look forward to this the most. My five year old even remembers that Mondays are for Hebrew! Ana is a fabulous and gifted teacher!” – Dee Harrington, homeschool mom.
“Our family really enjoyed Hebrew for Homeschoolers. The fact that Ana brings LIVE classes to your home combined with her natural teaching ability made learning the foundations of the Hebrew language so easy. Whether you have a little Hebrew under your belt (like us) or none at all, Ana shows you how to take what you learn and put it into immediate use by also teaching greetings, songs, and common things spoke in everyday conversations. Not to mention, if you can’t tune in live, the replays are available immediately to watch at your convenience! If you are looking for a foreign language to study for personal or extracurricular use, I highly recommend Hebrew for Homeschoolers with Ana!” – Michelle Huddleston, homeschool mama, and blogger at With The Huddleston’s.
“My two daughters and I have been enjoying the classes. I am really learning a lot about Jewish Culture, which, I believe, is important. My girls really like the songs that Mrs. Willis teaches. Ana is a very beautiful lady; even when she was recovering from her toothache, she was bubbly and enthusiastic. Her passion for Hebrew is evident, which makes her the perfect choice for a teacher. We are looking forward to the next class! Thank you so much, Ana.” – Tamara Williams-Smith, homeschool mom.
“I had never even thought to learn Hebrew. However knowing what an amazing teacher Ana is I had to take this class! It has been such a joy to watch every week with my son.” – Jessica Kangai, homeschool mom.
What if Hebrew for Homeschoolers will be the best investment you’ll make this week for your family?
Don’t want to wait?

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Nice! I’m looking forward to the end of the month when we’ll take a break from our formal learning. I still plan to continue some learning over the summer months before jumping back in to it all in September.
Following from the crew.
following from the crew
I love your daughter’s quote, “Would life be boring if you weren’t learning something new?”
I’m following your from TOS Crew!
Hopping over from the Crew:) We take advantage of year round, afterall we always continue learning!
Have a nice week
How awesome! We also do summer learning – more like themed weeks or interest-based learning. The last two weeks we’ve had a HUGE break but they were still learning — 2 VBS’s and soccer camp — just not “school” as we normally know it.
Glad to have you on the Crew!
I’d love to use the Hebrew Intensive with my crew. Thanks for the chance to win and learn Hebrew!
I am really interested in the Homeschool Sister Membership Group but I didn’t have the extra money while enrollment was open. I’d also be interested in a monthly enrollment type of membership.
I understand, Amy. I have good news, too. Enrollment will be opening again soon (later this month) and there will be different payment options, including low monthly payments of $15! If you’re on my email list, you’ll get a notification when that happens. 🙂 I hope that helps!
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Amy — the Homeschool Sisterhood enrollment is open again July 22-25. You can join for just $15 per month! Here is the link:
The Charlotte Mason Online Conference looks like a great course.
The homeschool blueprint looks interesting.