/ / Social Emotional Learning Curriculum from LuvBug Learning

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum from LuvBug Learning

Answers in Genesis

Social emotional learning is an important part of childhood development. We know that our children need to learn these life skills to be well-rounded and successful, but what is the best way to teach them? This post offers an engaging and creative solution for parents!

LuvBug Learning social emotional curriculum

What is Social Emotional Learning?

Social emotional learning (SEL) includes “soft skills” for interpersonal relationships and communication. These life skills include self-awareness, self-control, and positive interaction with peers and others that they encounter in their daily lives. These kinds of skills prepare our children to build compassion, empathy, and eventually successful careers and future relationships. All of this begins at home in our family relationships, especially as homeschoolers.

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LuvBug Learning Social Emotional Curriculum

LuvBug Learning is an app available on iPad, Android tablet or smartphone, and the Kindle Fire tablet that provides a social emotional curriculum through games and videos. It’s designed for kids ages 5-11, but that can be flexible depending on ability. The levels are adjustable for age range.

LuvBug Learning offers high-caliber 3D graphics in the style of Disney Pixar. The colors and quality are a cut above the typical apps for kids, in my opinion.

Kids are guided through LuvBug Learning by Violet, a cute character that they’ll like, as well as several other characters that they’ll come to know through the videos.

LuvBug Learning is a visually appealing format to introduce social emotional learning concepts to our children using concrete examples that they can relate to through videos and games.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Thankfulness
  • Patience
  • Empathy
  • The Golden Rule

More videos are being added at the rate of about one per week. More games are being added as well, so LuvBug Learning is a dynamically growing experience.

The Parent Dashboard

The LuvBug Learning Parental Dashboard is the powerhouse behind the scenes. You can reach this via the website. From this dashboard you can adjust the following settings:

  • screen time — automatically turn it off at bedtime; place time limits or make it unlimited; create a custom message when playtime is over
  • track time spent on games and what was learned/accomplished
  • preview videos and enable/disable the ones you want your children to watch
  • detailed breakdown of learning results divided by social emotional pillars (empathy, self-awareness, sympathy, general knowledge, behavior recognition in others and themselves)

This dashboard ensures that parents can make the best decisions for their children as they progress through the lessons, yet also provides an automated system that’s easy to use.

My Thoughts on LuvBug Learning

As I’ve mentioned before, my degree is in Social Work with an emphasis in early childhood development. I’m a firm believer in developing our children’s EQ (emotional intelligence), not just their IQ. To be truly fulfilled as an adult, kids need a solid foundation in social emotional learning. This includes positive growth mindset, resiliency, and empathy. I want these things for my daughters, which requires being intentional in teaching them.

LuvBug Learning social emotional videos and games

Often these skills can only be taught in practice during a particular life situation because children are concrete thinkers and miss the theories behind social emotional learning. LuvBug Learning provides a safe environment to practice these skills and see them in action so that they really have meaning to them.

This is even more true in the case of special needs, like autism. My daughter on the spectrum sometimes struggles with social cues and emotional regulation. She was instantly captivated by LuvBug Learning, wanting to explore and learn more. I think this is a positive tool for her to increase her social emotional learning skills.

I appreciate the motivation behind LuvBug Learning and its creators. They want to provide a resource that kids will genuinely want to use, have fun with, and that helps connect them to these essential life skills. They also want to make it a positive experience between parents and children so it encourages interaction as a family. It’s a safe way to introduce kids to technology without concern for internet dangers, too.

We have only scratched the surface of what’s available inside of LuvBug Learning, but I like what I’ve seen so far. We’ve used the app on an Android smartphone and on our Kindle Fire with no issues. My daughters prefer the Kindle Fire tablet because the screen is bigger and easier to navigate.

Note: LuvBug Learning is not a religious or Christian app, so the worldview is neutral. This makes it applicable to all faiths and cultures. It’s also not specifically for homeschool families alone so it can be used by anyone regardless of educational choice.

In summary, I believe the potential of LuvBug Learning to help children learn and process social emotional skills is a great tool to add to your parenting toolbox.

Try LuvBug Learning Today

You can start LuvBug Learning today for only $5 per month on the annual plan with discount code LUVBUG5. This is a special savings above and beyond their regular promotions, just for homeschool families reading here.

Hurry and take advantage of this great discount before it expires on Oct. 15, 2022!

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