/ / How to Balance Homeschool Goals with the Love of Learning

How to Balance Homeschool Goals with the Love of Learning

Do you set homeschool goals? Here is an overview of how to set homeschool goals, even if you’re a relaxed homeschooler.

Setting goals in your homeschool is so important. They can keep you going when the going gets tough by reminding you of why you’re doing what you’re doing. Keep in mind that these goals should reflect your overall vision for your homeschool. When you’re setting goals, remember it’s important to be realistic while still stretching yourself. The idea is not to kill the joy of learning, but rather to encourage growth. Here are some of my favorite tips for setting goals in your homeschool.

hot to set homeschool goals without killing the joy of learning

How to Set Homeschool Goals

Goals can be set at any time of the year. You don’t have to wait till the fall or the beginning of a new calendar year. It’s never too late or too early to start! Whether you homeschool by the traditional schedule or year-round, goals should be made and evaluated on a regular basis. This is an excellent life skill to teach your kids, too!

Set goals for yourself and your kids

Let’s be honest, homeschooling is about your kids, but it’s also about you. By setting goals for yourself and your kids, you’re going to do great things. An example of a homeschool goal I may set for myself is to “read quietly as the kids read.” A goal you may set for the whole family may be to read a total of 400 books in one year. Don’t forget the teacher needs growth and development time, too!

Write the goals down

My Purposeful Plans Goal Tracking Journal

When it comes to goal setting in your homeschool, don’t be afraid to write the goals down. I recommend keeping a goals journal, like this one I created: My Purposeful Plans Goal Tracking Journal. It has a brief guide to making S.M.A.R.T. goals and then plenty of lined pages for writing your own goals and thoughts down. Journaling is a great habit in general, but can be particularly effective for goals. Studies show you’re more likely to achieve goals when you write them down. If you begin a habit of daily or weekly journaling, it can keep you on track to achieving your goals.

Keep each other accountable

Your family already homeschools together, so why not hold each other accountable? If my daughter has a goal to write so many words per day in her novel-in-progress, I might ask her each day if she made her word count goal. There is no shame in holding someone accountable, just remember to be nice about it. It also opens up some interesting discussions about what she’s writing, and grammar and writing skills in general. It keeps those lines of communication open and lets her know that I care about what she cares about. This is essential in growing healthy relationships with your kids, especially during those teen years. 

Be consistent with trying to reach your goals

You won’t reach your goals by osmosis, of course. As with anything worth doing, you have to put forth an effort. Being consistent with trying to reach your goals matters. Some goals have easy to track metrics, like number of books read. Other goals might be slightly more intangible. You want to be a positive example for your kids, so don’t neglect your own goals either.

Read more: Purposeful Homeschooling: Cultivating Your Homeschool Vision

When you’re setting homeschool goals, discuss your goals with each other, write them down, and hold each other accountable. Break the big goals down into manageable steps to make reaching them more likely.

Watch as your year unfolds in a more productive way because you took the time to set homeschool goals.

How do you set homeschool goals?


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One Comment

  1. Having the kids hold YOU accountable is an awesome idea…they love it, and they are honest…the excuses that work with mom-friends do not work on kids. 🙂

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