Our Nature Study Curriculum Choice
Looking for a nature study curriculum that is simple to use, Charlotte Mason-inspired, and encourages a delight in nature study for creative kids? You’ll want to read all about our favorite nature study homeschool curriculum right here!

Photo credit: Cindy West at @ourjourneywestward
Nature Study Curriculum
When it comes to choosing nature study homeschool curriculum, I had some very specific ideas in mind. It had to encourage creativity, it had to be simple for me, and it had to be something we actually enjoyed doing rather than dreaded. We already loved our nature walks so I didn’t want anything that would take the joy out of them.
Since science doesn’t come naturally to me as one of my favorite topics, it had to be something I could teach simply as well. We also don’t like hot weather and for health reasons being outside all the time in the summer isn’t an option. I know, it’s a tall order for nature study, right?
That’s why I was so pleased to find the following resources, which inspire creativity and curiosity and also have a Charlotte Mason influence so it all fits perfectly into our learning style. They’re all available from Cindy West at Our Journey Westward.
No Sweat Nature Study
I love the inspiration behind the No Sweat Nature Study series!
Have you ever wished for a nature study that simply didn’t require any outdoor time?
No packing of bags full of nature journals and sunblock.
No half-days spent driving to and from the nature trails.
No whining about the temperature that’s either too hot or too cold.
Well, it’s here.
The No Sweat Nature Study series allows you to teach nature-based lessons from the comfort of your home using an amazing variety of fresh resources that will make a deep scientific impact on your students.
Through the use of kid-friendly, hand-selected videos, websites, online images, and books, you can teach nature study topics to multiple ages in short bursts of time.
This curriculum is perfect to add to a morning time routine. It’s also perfect to use once-a-week as a supplement to your regular science curriculum. If you choose to do all the lessons and really dig deep within each, you could use No Sweat Nature Study as your complete science curriculum for whichever topics you choose. How you choose to use it is really up to you!
Written with 1st-8th graders in mind, the topics are really very in-depth. Using kid-size terminology and resources, I think you’ll be surprised and excited about how much scientific information your students are able to absorb!
Topics currently available include:
- Defense Mechanisms of Animals
- Defense Mechanisms of Plants
- Desert Biomes
- Famous Naturalists
- Math in Nature: Shapes and Patterns
- Nocturnal Animals
- Rainforest Biomes
I LOVE how easy these are to do and how engaging they are, as well.
Grab-N-Go Nature Study
These printable lab pages are ideal to take on nature walks. They don’t need to be completed in any specific order, nor do they all need to be done to get value from the lessons.
This print-and-go curriculum will keep your 7-12 year old students focused on specific, educational tasks during nature walks.
Each single page is a new science adventure that challenges your children to become serious students of nature. They will develop a wide array of skills including:
- detailed observation
- comparison
- prediction
- measuring
- graphing
- charting
- mapping
- experimentation
- diagramming
- sketching
- research
Current Grab-N-Go Nature Studies available include:
- 100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks
- 40 Nature Walks Outdoor Science Labs On-the-Go Volume 1
- 40 Nature Walks Outdoor Science Labs On-the-Go Volume 2
The fun worksheets turn your students into nature detectives and place them in the field with serious science labs that prompt them in unique discoveries.
These really enrich our nature walks and they are easy for me and fun for my daughters. Win-win!
NaturExplorers Nature Study Curriculum
NaturExplorers were our first introduction to nature study in our homeschool. They definitely have a fond place in my heart for that reason. I love that they’re immersive, and Charlotte Mason-influenced. Designed with 1st-8th graders in mind, they’re easily adaptable for many ages. That means the whole family can participate!
What will I find in each NaturExplorers guide?
- Inspirational literature suggestions
- Background information for the parent or teacher concerning the main focus of the nature topic
- An abundance of creative nature walks
- Follow-up hands-on activity ideas
- Writing and research ideas that encompass several subject areas
- References for Bible study, artist study, composer study and poetry tie-ins
- Child-friendly internet links and book lists for further study
- Ideas for adapting the material for younger and older children, as well as ideas for groups of children
- Several colorful, prepared notebooking pages
- General nature study suggestions
Current titles include:
- Butterflies Flutter By
- Captivating Clouds
- Beautiful Birds
- Remarkable Rain
- Incredible Creeks
- Wonderful Wildflowers
- + more!
If you need something that isn’t overwhelming that will enrich your nature study time, I highly recommend NaturExplorers.
Be sure to check out more nature study ideas in the 10 Days of Nature Study series.
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