/ / Looking Back, Looking Forward {Free Printable}

Looking Back, Looking Forward {Free Printable}


Are you taking stock of 2015 and feeling a little sentimental? Are you planning to be intentional in the year to come? As you think over these things, why not write them down for posterity? It always helps me to process ideas when I can write them out.

Looking Back, Looking Forward Free Printable

I’d like to share this free printable with subscribers to my email list. You can get your own copy just by signing up to receive my email updates! It has short writing prompts to help you record your memories from last year and your plans and goals for the new year.

FREE PRINTABLE: Looking Back Looking Forward new year journaling page

Just enter your info in the box below and remember to check your email for the download link! {If you have Gmail, check your promotions tab.}

Happy New Year!



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