/ / Leaving a Legacy of Love

Leaving a Legacy of Love

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At some point, most of us realize that life is fleeting and we should be purposeful in the way that we live. Some of us come to that realization earlier than others. I’ve seen others who drift through life and never seem to realize it at all. For those who don’t want to waste the opportunities we get each day to have meaningful interactions with our spouses, children, and others around us, it becomes a priority to find a way to make the moments count. To be aware of the legacy we are building.

Leaving a Legacy of Love | purposeful living | being intentional | making the moments matter

I’ve done a lot of thinking about that lately for more reasons than one. I’ve been especially struggling with my own chronic health issues as some things have worsened during my autoimmune flares. Beyond that, I was saddened by the passing of a blogging friend, Mandy Kelly, last week. I’ve known Mandy online for about 2 years. We had a lot in common. We were in several of the same blogging groups. She was a homeschool mom. She blogged about her faith and family at Worshipful Living. I followed her blog through her adoption struggles and rejoiced when she and her husband were able to adopt their infant son. She and her husband, along with their two youngest children, were taken suddenly in a tragic house fire last week. In a moment, their time on earth came to an end. I know they were believers and are with Jesus now, but the grief for those left here for now is overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. They have two surviving children who will have to go on without them. My heart goes out to them.

Whenever something like this happens, we’re left with so many questions. There is shock at first. There is the struggle to understand why these things have to happen. After a time, we begin to reflect on our lives, wondering what kind of difference we’re making. On that Monday before she died, Mandy was doing what she did every day — mothering her kids, homeschooling, blogging, talking with friends, encouraging and supporting others through the ministry of her words. She lived out her faith. She wanted to make a difference in this world, to shine Christ’s light for others to see. She was real, she fell short at times as we all do. But she was all in for Jesus and her family.

As I think about my own life and my purpose, this is exactly what I want to do — leave a legacy of love for my children, my husband, and whomever I am blessed to know and influence. To live each day for Jesus, giving my utmost for his highest. None of us have the guarantee of tomorrow. We do have the guarantee of eternal love and peace with Jesus if we accept His free gift.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16

If I can do one thing with my life, let it be an altar call to follow Jesus.

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

~ Legacy by Nichole Nordeman

Remembering Mandy Kelly


(Photo Credit: Mandy Kelly and Rosilind Jukic)

Mandy Kelly, her husband Scott, daughter Lizzie, and son Judah passed away the 21st of March, 2017. If you aren’t familiar with her blog, I hope you’ll take a few minutes today to get to know Mandy through her words so her ministry can live on:
There is a donation set up through her church. This will go to her remaining two children to help provide for them. If you would like to give, here is the contact for that:
Trinity Baptist Church
2003 Charleston Hwy.
Cayce, SC 29033
You can also donate via the Trinity’s website. There is a GIVE button on the menu. Choose the ‘Kelly’s’ from the drop down options. http://www.tbccayce.com

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.





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    1. You are more than welcome. Mandy was an amazing person and her writing ministry reached so many people. My sympathy to you and your family for your loss. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment. God bless you!

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