We call it the “mid-winter blahs” but it can happen almost any time during the school year. We’re tired; we’re struggling to stay motivated; we’re finding ourselves impatient or even frustrated. And when I say “we”, I’m referring to the homeschool moms! Certainly our students can suffer from these symptoms as well, but what can homeschool moms do to overcome a slump or get through these kinds of rough patches in our year?
One of the most important things every homeschool family needs is some kind of support system. It’s easy to recognize that children and teens need positive interactions with their peers, but let’s not overlook the importance of like-minded friends and mentors for moms. We all experience times along the way when we feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or even tempted to give it up; and an understanding friend or mentor is exactly what we need to encourage and advise us. Although homeschooling isn’t viewed with the same skepticism or hostility that it used to be, it’s still not quite mainstream, and many homeschooling families don’t have the full support of their extended families or feel rather alone in their churches or friendship circles. We need to continue to develop the support and encouragement of our local homeschooling communities.

Homeschool Moms, we need each other!
We need the friendships and the support of moms who are on the same road. And as valuable as online message boards and virtual communities are, whenever possible, we should look to find our encouragement in real life interactions. The other moms in your homeschool co-op, in your umbrella group, or wherever you encounter other homeschoolers – those moms need you and you need them.
Participate in a local homeschooling group.
This might be your homeschool oversight group, or fellow homeschoolers in your church or neighborhood. Home education co-operatives and fellowship groups provide opportunities to get together with other homeschool families, pool resources and knowledge, and help each other out. These are the moms that can provide listening ears and shoulders to cry on in face-to-face settings. Meet up for coffee with one or two of them and develop friendships. Start a homeschool moms night out or similar group time for fellowship and encouragement if such a thing doesn’t already exist in your group. Share stories, joys, and concerns. Be mentors and encouragers to each other, learn from each other, and just enjoy the company and conversation.
Find a mentor – and be a mentor.
If you’ve already been homeschooling for a few years, look for someone new to the game that you can mentor. Reassure that discouraged mom that her kids will turn out just fine and help the one who needs a new curriculum to weigh the options wisely. Then look for someone who is a little further in the journey that can provide a little guidance for you. No matter how long you’ve been homeschooling, there’s always something new to learn about the experience. I’ve been homeschooling for over twenty years, and have graduated three of my students, but I’m finding that I still need some help and support from moms because the empty homeschool nest is coming, and that will be a new experience for me! And if you’re the newbie homeschooler? I’m sure there are experienced moms in your group that would love to answer your questions and calm your worries. Veterans and rookies all need to be refreshed and energized at some point!
Virtual support can fill in the gaps.
Online communities aren’t quite the same as having someone in the same room as you, but there is the benefit of being able to read or to vent when it’s convenient for you, and being able to communicate with the wider homeschool world. Inspiration, ideas, information abound in the homeschool blogosphere! You might be one of only a couple of homeschoolers using a certain method or curriculum in your local group, but can find many homeschoolers online that you can learn from and even develop friendships with!
“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” ~ Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ~ I Thessalonians 5:11
Where do you find support? Let us know in the comments!
Kym has been homeschooling for more than twenty years. Her oldest three students have graduated, and her youngest will graduate in 2019. She and her husband of 30+ years are Canadians transplanted to Maryland. Kym loves coffee, history, and homeschooling, and you can join her for coffee break at her blog, Homeschool Coffee Break.