/ / Vision Board Starter Guide: How to Make One and Why You Need One

Vision Board Starter Guide: How to Make One and Why You Need One

Answers in Genesis

Have you heard of the idea of a vision board before? A vision board is a wonderful way to achieve your goals in the new year (or anytime), and create a visual reminder of the path you wish to be on.

Whether it’s homeschooling goals, personal goals, health goals, long term or short term — you’re more likely to be successful if you write them down and keep a visual reminder to encourage you. I find a lot of inspiration in looking at my own vision board. It can help me to stay on track when I get distracted or discouraged.

While there are many versions of a vision board, it is important to keep in mind there really are no rules. That’s one of the reasons I like them so much! They can grow and change as you do, which makes them not only an aspirational tool, but also very practical.

Creating a vision board means creating a visual reminder that helps encourage you to reach your goals and dreams. Does this sound like something you could benefit from? If so, take a look below at this vision board starter guide so you can put one together yourself!

how to make a vision board

How to make a vision board

This may look different from person to person, but a vision board is typically a poster board or bulletin board that showcases your goals. These can be showcased very visually through pictures or even through words of encouragement. The idea is to create a bright, welcoming board that serves as a hub for your goals.

What do you do with the vision board?

The vision board is often placed in a central location where it can be referenced daily. After all, that is the point, to see it and let it offer encouragement. The vision board can be part of your home office, or even act as art work in your home. Display it where it is convenient for you. When you need to feel encouraged or get back on track, peek at your vision board and be reminded of the things you want for yourself.

How do you interact with the vision board?

Remember when you were a child and you combed through department store catalogs to make a wishlist? It was fun to look at the pictures and dream of what you wanted for yourself. Even as adults now, we look through magazines and Pinterest in hopes of creating the ideal space, career, or life. You can interact with your vision board the same way. Let it safely hold the ideas and dreams you want to work towards. Remove goals as they are achieved and add new ones as they form.

how to make a vision board

Pictured: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

Mr. Pen Highlighter Set


At-A-Glance Wall Calendar

Why do you need a vision board in the New Year?

Chances are you pin a great deal on Pinterest but never get around to doing those tasks or ideas. Why? Because they aren’t in front of you as a daily reminder. A vision board is different because it is! It is a more direct way of reminding yourself of your goals. A vision board can help you be more accountable, offer daily encouragement, and make your dreams and ideas feel more tangible. Creating a vision board in the New Year is a new and creative way to track your goals. Plus, they are fun! A vision board allows you to create a large scrapbook so to speak that can constantly change throughout the year.

Are there any rules when creating a vision board?

NO! Create a poster board or bulletin board that works for you and reflects you. That is all you need to know. The vision board will take on its own look and identity that is true to you and the goals you have set for yourself.

Creating a vision board is fun, easy, and it can be quite encouraging as you enter the New Year! Give these tips your consideration and you too can reap the benefits of a vision board in this year.

How to make a vision board and why you need one to achieve your goals

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  1. Ah, yes. The pins I’ve pinned and never see (or do!) again. I need to buy my son a piece of posterboard for a project and decided I will buy myself one too — and make a vision board! Now, what to put on it…

    1. Did you get a chance to make your vision board? Hope it’s going well for you this year!

      Thanks for stopping by and for pinning the post. 😉

  2. Thank you for re-sharing this article through your email this week! I’ve been confused by vision boards for years and this article finally made them make sense to me! Now I’m inspired!

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