/ / / Abraham Lincoln Lapbook

Abraham Lincoln Lapbook


This Abraham Lincoln lapbook is a complete hands-on introductory study of Honest Abe!

Read the full description below to get the details on what is included and what children will learn by completing this Abraham Lincoln lapbook / interactive notebook activity.

17 pages, pdf, instant download


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Abraham Lincoln Lapbook / Interactive Notebook

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was an intelligent, humble man of good character. We all want to teach our children about history and provide good role models for them to learn about. You can help your children learn all about Honest Abe with this hands-on interactive lapbook lesson!

What your children will learn with the Abraham Lincoln Lapbook:

  • Civil War facts
  • Fun facts about Abraham Lincoln’s life including birthday, place of birth, careers, and more
  • Lincoln Memorial facts
  • Gettysburg Address facts
  • Emancipation Proclamation facts
  • Vocabulary words relating to Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Abraham Lincoln lapbook

What’s included in the Abraham Lincoln Lapbook:

There are complete instructions included so you can easily assemble the lapbook, along with a supply list.

Components in this lapbook lesson include:

  • Lapbook cover page
  • Center banner
  • Flip-flaps
  • Vocabulary word cards and pocket
  • Abraham Lincoln notebooking page

It’s a complete hands-on introductory study of Abraham Lincoln!

17 pages, pdf, instant download. This is a digital product. You will need to print it out to complete the activity. You will not receive any physical product by mail. Photos are for example purposes to show what your finished product may look like.

Abraham Lincoln lapbook

What are the benefits of learning with lapbooks?

There are many benefits to this kind of hands-on learning with lapbooks. One of the advantages is having a visual representation and keepsake of what your child has learned. They are great to include in homeschool portfolios, too!

Read more about learning with lapbooks in these posts:

5 Essential Lapbooking Supplies

Our Favorite Lapbooking Resources

What is a Lapbook?

10 Reasons to Love Lapbooking

Abraham Lincoln lapbook

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