/ / Our Favorite Notebooking Curriculum {Year Round Homeschooling}

Our Favorite Notebooking Curriculum {Year Round Homeschooling}

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As a monthly contributor at Year Round Homeschooling, I had the opportunity to participate in the 31 Days of Homeschool Curriculum series.  In addition to my Bible curriculum post, I also had a chance to share about our favorite Notebooking resources.

Our Favorite Notebooking Resources for Homeschooling


Here’s an excerpt:

I usually write about lapbooking at Year Round Homeschooling because it’s one of our favorite ways to learn. We also do notebooking in our homeschool because it’s a natural progression from lapbooking and fits in well with our delight-directed unit studies.

Currently my 13-year-old daughter is notebooking and she loves the freedom to express what she’s learned in her own words, as well as the lovely learning journal she has created this way. Younger children can enjoy notebooking, too, but I’ve found that my two younger daughters (7 & 5) still prefer lapbooking because they aren’t proficient at writing long blocks of their own text yet.

As a homeschool mom, I like notebooking because my daughter is really “owning” her education and retains what she learns much more this way. It’s also cross-curricular and can work for any topic she is interested in studying. Notebooking is inexpensive so it can help with your homeschool budgeting.


I hope you can head over to Year Round Homeschooling and read the rest!


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