/ / Creative Projects with Crate Expectations

Creative Projects with Crate Expectations


Do you want to add more creativity and hands-on projects to your day? Most homeschool moms I know, myself included, would say an enthusiastic YES to that question. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s easier said than done. I tend to have the following issues with artsy-craftsy projects:

  • I have the supplies, but I’m out of creative ideas to use them.
  • I have some ideas, but I don’t have the supplies on hand.
  • I don’t have time to bother with coming up with ideas and gathering supplies.
  • I forgot to plan ahead for upcoming holidays/seasonal themed activities.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? If so, you’re going to want to check out Crate Expectations. Don’t you love that name? You just know it’s going to be clever with a name like that! We had the chance to review two of the Crates over the past month and my girls loved them.

Creative Projects with Crate Expectations

 What is Crate Expectations?

*10 Ready-to-Build Crafts & Activities

*Seasonal Bucket Lists

*Snapshot Scavenger Hunts

*Conversation Sparker Chatter Cards

*Complete Lists of Holidays

The Crates also include access to online resources:

(1) YouTube instructional videos to guide you step-by-step through each project.

(2) Teachable Moments printables to help enhance the projects with faith-based lessons.

Crate Expectations

My girls were so excited to receive the package in the mail! They wanted to get started right away. It arrived a few days before Christmas, so we received the Christmas Crate and the Winter Crate. (There are more options, plus the opportunity to purchase a year’s subscription, on the website.)

Not only did we get all the ideas and supplies to make the projects, it also came with a baggie full of things like scissors, glue, and crayons. It simplifies the process so much and lets us get right to the business of making fun crafts together, completely avoiding the frustrating search for supplies and prep time. All the pieces necessary were pre-cut and pre-packaged so we could just take one smaller package out of the big bag to work on. If you did 2 projects per week, you would have enough to keep you busy for a little over a month. My girls tend to “binge craft” so we did ours a little faster. 🙂

Homemade catapult from the Winter Crate Expectations craft kit
This is a catapult my girls built with Crate Expectations. It really works!

Teachable Moments with Crate Expectations

In addition to making the craft projects easy to do, Crate Expectations also makes them meaningful. With fun family time like scavenger hunts, bucket lists, and chatter cards, they really encourage quality time together. The Teachable Moments printables help you to illustrate a Biblical point, like positive character traits and specific Bible verses to memorize, to go along with the activities. I think that’s what makes Crate Expectations different than many of the subscription programs I’ve seen.

A mask made with Crate Expectations Winter Crate
Mask made with Crate Expectations. (Yes, she decided her rainbow unicorn costume was the perfect outfit for the mask.)

The Story Behind Crate Expectations

Here is Mary Ann Wilmer’s story (the founder of Crate Expectations):
When I was little, my mom filled every season with creativity and whimsy. When I had my own children, I realized that those magical memories – sewing teddy bears, painting Christmas villages, making Valentines, hanging patriotic bunting – didn’t just happen. My mom made the magic happen. (Thanks, Mom!) As I tried to recreate that same magic for my own kids, I ran into two obstacles: busyness and budgeting. All those festive crafts and activities required planning and time and money. Getting to the nearest craft store (30 minutes away) seemed like an epic journey. Once I got there, buying the supplies I needed meant buying way more than I needed. (FYI: chenille stems come in packs of 200, feathers come by the bushel, and even those ready-made craft kits come in packs of 12.) All this to say, to create creative moments for my kids, I felt like I had to spend time and money I didn’t have. One day I stood discouraged in front of a shelf of holiday craft supplies, thinking about having to track down every component of a craft and then buy a lifetime supply of each one. I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just buy a kit filled with a season’s worth of crafts and activities …all in one box?” Yes. And Crate Expectations was born! I hope you’ll look around my shop to make sure your family enjoys a season’s worth of crafts and activities …all in one box. Let’s Create Together.

Connect with Crate Expectations


I recommend giving Crate Expectations a try if you want to make creative projects simple yet meaningful with your kids. I can promise you won’t regret the time you spend making those memories together!


Use coupon code SAVE10 to save 10% off Winter Crates and 2016 subscriptions for a limited time!


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