Explore National Parks with Awesome Science
We love field trips in our family, but they aren’t always practical. That’s why we’ve become fans of virtual field trips. Our first review experience with Moms of Master Books has allowed us to take two great virtual field trips while learning about creation science with Awesome Science Episode 7: Explore Glacier National Park and Awesome Science Episode 8: Explore Rocky Mountain National Park.
We’ve never been farther west than Iowa, so these DVDs offered us a glimpse of the country that we’ve never seen in person. Not only could we enjoy the beautiful sights of these two national parks, but we also got a science lesson on the following topics:
- Evidence of erosion and mass wasting shows a recent formation
- Birth of the Rocky Mountains produced the Great Sand Dunes National Park, Garden of the Gods, and Devils Tower
- The Flood provided the mechanisms for an Ice Age
- The Bible provides the answers for massive worldwide extinctions
The DVDs are about 30 minutes each. The information is presented by 16-year-old Noah Justice in an entertaining and easy to understand way. We watched these together as a family and everyone enjoyed them. Our girls are 12, 6, and 4 and they were each able to learn something from the episodes.
These episodes covered everything from dinosaurs to weather to geology to the history of the National Parks. The scenic photography was beautiful. I also really liked the way they incorporated scripture and the plan of salvation at the end.
**On March 31st at 8:00 pm EST, New Leaf Press is hosting a Facebook party with over $1000 in prizes for attendees to win. Read more and enter the pre-party giveaway here.**
You can purchase the Awesome Science DVDs for $14.99 at New Leaf Publishing. Right now episode 8 and 9 are ONLY $10.00.
Be sure to visit the other Moms Of Master Books to see what they thought.
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