/ / Refresh Your Homeschool with Delight-Directed Learning

Refresh Your Homeschool with Delight-Directed Learning

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January is a time for new beginnings — and that includes our homeschooling. We take the opportunity at a new year to take a closer look at what we’ve studied and what we plan to study in the coming months. It’s our time to re-evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. Sometimes learning styles change as kids get older. Interests also change. In our delight-directed homeschool, we are always open to new ideas. Even with that attitude, we can still find ourselves hitting the doldrums from time to time.

Refresh your Homeschool Series

My friend Misty at Year Round Homeschooling is hosting a 31-day series this month called Refresh Your Homeschool. All this month she and her guest writers are sharing ideas to breathe new life into your homeschooling days. I’m glad I had the chance to contribute to this great series!

I hope you’ll take a moment to stop by and read what I had to say about restoring the joy of learning with Delight-Directed Homeschooling.


If you’re interested in reading more about delight-directed homeschooling, you can find my other posts here.



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